1938 Harley Davidson EL Knucklehead

- Inseratsnummer
- 53791
- Inseriert am
- 30.04.2022
- Kategorie
- Sonstige Motorräder
- Hersteller
- Harley-Davidson
- Wagenpass
- Ja
- Zustand
- Gebraucht
- Preistyp
- VB
- Ja
- Hubraum
- 1000 ccm
- Baujahr
- 1938
- Leistung
- 40 PS
- Fahrbereitschaft
- Fahrbereit
- Laufleistung
- 9999 km
- Standort
- 27052 / North Carolina, USA
1938 Harley-Davidson EL Knucklehead
This is an exquisite motorcycle.
The motorcycle has not been started or driven. For preservation, it is stored dry.
Sold on a bill of sale!
Mileage: Unknown. We don't believe the bike has been run since it stood! 4 miles displayed on the odometer.
Paintwork: Excellent paintwork and paint preparation with the correct scheme for 1938.
Sheet Metal: Sheet metal is in great shape with no dings or dings.
Chrome: Good condition.
Mechanical: This engine has not been raced or started in the care of the current owner. The bike is equipped with a rare and correct 1938 gearbox, which was found during a technical inspection by knowledgeable collectors at the auction. You could not find any incorrect parts on the bike.
Wheels & Tires:
Rims: Original black painted steel rims with cad plated spokes and nipples & spokes.
Front tires: Coker 400x18
Rear tire: Coker 400x18
Title: Sold on a bill of sale
Contact me directly via email: vintagesales680@gmail.com
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