PRO Series race trailer by Stella Works
Preis auf Anfrage

Details zum Inserat
- Inseratsnummer
- 52671
- Inseriert am
- 15.03.2022
- Kategorie
- Renn-Auflieger & Sattelanhänger
- Hersteller
- Sonstige
- Nein
- Zustand
- Neu
- Preistyp
- Auf Anfrage
- Baujahr
- 2022
- Standort
- 78137 / Siauliai, Litauen
PRO:H2:START race trailer currently in production and available for various customizations before delivery
Zusätzliche Informationen
General specifications
- Step frame chassis with dual SAF axles, air suspension, disc brakes
- Wabco brake system with ABS
- Michelin or Goodyear premium tires, 8x 265/70 R19.5
- GWR: 28 tons
- Body fabricated from 60 mm GRP sandwich panels with polyurethane filling
- External dimensions (LxWxH, mm): 14000 x 4000 x 2550
- Internal height: 3000 mm
- Loading height: 960 mm
- Pin height: 1140 mm
- Stella Shapeline design with rounded front wall
- Underbody compartments made of diamond plated stainless steel, with gas strut supported aluminum covers, dust and waterproof seals, lockable
- Dhollandia 2500 kg tail lift with integrated tail lights and self-folding safety delimitations, two AGM batteries and a charger
- Length: 3500 mm plus 1000 mm slideout extensions
- Hella body lights
- Color RAL 9016 (other, pearl and metallic colours optional*)
- Exterior doors, lowered, entrance width ~800 mm
- EU Certificate of conformity
- 3 year warranty
- Available in PRO:H2:CARRIER or PRO:H2:OFFICE configurations
- Manually adjustable 2nd car deck, 6-8 individually adjustable sections, wheel ramp or full floor configurations
- Garage/workshop area finishing per individual requirements
- Installation of office area with fit out per individual requirements
- Tempered glass windows in office or workshop area
- Air conditioning for office and/or workshop areas
- Electric system with single and/or three phase inputs and power distribution
- Other individual requirements
PRO:H2 chassis specification
- 2x SAF axles
- GWR 28 tons
- 8x 265/70 R19,5 wheels
- Disc brakes
- Wabco air brakes system
- Air suspension
- LxWxH (mm): 14,000 x 2,550 x 4,000
- EU Certificate of Conformity
Anbieter kontaktieren
Gewerblicher Anbieter Registriert seit 30.01.2022
Stella Works / UAB Karoserija
Andrius Gedvilas
Andrius Gedvilas
78137 Siauliai
78137 Siauliai
Anbieternummer: 53146
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